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The guaranteed way to get more leads and grow your business

Posted by Perceptive Insights Team - 04 May, 2016

If one of your biggest pain points is to get more leads for your business, we feel your pain. In fact, when we speak to our clients, this seems to be the main challenge for most of them.

Alternatively, conversion is another big issue. As many as 79 per cent of leads never convert into sales, with lack of lead nurturing as the common cause.1

So, you want more relevant leads to find your website and get acquainted with your brand rather than your competitors. Or, your issue may be that lots of people are finding your website but for whatever reason they keep bouncing. Perhaps they’re not the right type of leads, or perhaps the content you have on your website isn’t right in order to convert. Or, your content may be displayed in a way that is not user friendly and hard to follow.

Our clients often ask us how they rectify this. How can they be smarter in how they communicate with their leads and customers – but crucially: how do they get more leads in the first place?

Get more leads and grow your businessThis is how we do it

In order to understand the wider business perspective, and what you need to know before you can start pulling in more leads online, let us describe how we work with our clients.

  1. Here at Perceptive Group, we work in partnership with our clients to firstly understand where their business is placed in the marketplace, how they’re performing in comparison to their competitors and what they could be doing better.

    We research and analyse their market fully, investigate business’ opportunities, weaknesses and strengths and segment their target audience to find untapped potential and their core similarities and differentiators.

  2. Thereafter we get to know their customers in depth by gathering and analysing customer feedback through online surveys and report back through our interactive, real-time dashboard.

    With these insights they’ll have the knowledge needed to acquire more leads and customers and retain the existing ones.

  3. Finally, to get more of the right leads to be able to grow the business we have a dedicated team to help them communicate smarter and regularly with their leads, through online means.

    We can help our clients by working on just one of the steps mentioned above, or the whole process from start to finish, depending on their business needs.


The last step on the journey, how to acquire more leads, is when we use inbound marketing, and here’s how it works.

With inbound you can attract the right leads and create loyal customers so you can grow and scale your business. You’ll generate quality leads through relevant content, by educating and pulling them through the sales funnel.

You’re not interrupting people anymore – you’re connecting. We’ve actually seen first-hand how inbound marketing has transformed our own business, so we’re confident it works.

With this strategy, you’ll have more leads coming through to your site. And referring back to the issue that many of our clients have which is that the content on their site may not be right, consider the following.

Your content must be great enough to break through the online clutter. Think about how many websites and social media channels compete for your leads attention every day. You simply cannot be average – your content must educate, inspire or entertain your audience. Inbound does just that.


Inbound means ROI long term

Inbound delivers higher ROI for your business in the long term. Don’t believe us? American inbound marketers spending more than $25,000 per year saved an average of 13% in overall cost per lead ($36 versus $41 with outbound), according to a 2013 survey.1

It’s far more expensive to continue pouring money into paid channels that don’t deliver any returns than it is to invest in blogging and social media. Inbound marketing is good for your bottom line and your brand.


Want to learn the industry secrets to customer acquisition and retention? Check out our ebook below!

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