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How to use NPS to inform your customer journey map

Written by Perceptive Insights Team | Apr 7, 2019 8:00:00 PM

Your Net Promoter Score (NPS) can assist with nearly every part of your business, from experience through to retention and loyalty. However, it's also a powerful tool for helping you uncover key customer needs at different stages in their buying journey. With this is mind, here how you can use NPS to map your customer journey—and why you should. 

Identify customer journeys in need of improvement

In its simplest form, a Net Promoter Score is a quantitative metric that directly measures one of the most important indicators of business success: customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The higher the score, the happier your customers, but don’t be fooled: your NPS isn’t just a general measure. With the right analysis, it can give you insights into specific customers, staff, products and services, as well as satisfaction over time.

This is what makes it so useful for informing and creating a customer journey map—you can quickly identify the parts of your map that are either inaccurate or in need of improvement.

For example, let’s say you were to check on the performance of a demographic you recently targeted: women below the age of 30 who live in a major city. You filter down to these particular demographics, when suddenly you notice that the NPS for this segment is well below industry benchmarks.

This immediately informs you that there is a problem with your map. There may be a specific stage that is falling short of this segment’s expectations, or perhaps there is a touchpoint or series of touchpoints missing altogether.


Related content: What is a good Net Promoter Score?


Related content: Download our customer journey map template


Identify what needs to change to improve customer experience

You’ve identified there’s a problem, but you’re not sure if it’s the result of a missing touchpoint, an underperforming stage, or something else entirely. NPS can help pinpoint the cause, as long as you include an additional question of “why did you give us the score you did?” alongside the standard 0-10 scale.

The answers to this question will give you more detail on what you are doing well, what you are doing wrong, what you could stand to improve. It can also give insight on what part of the customer journey requires adjustment—and of course, what additional touchpoints there may be that you haven’t considered.

For example, you may discover through a series of comments that some customers have found that the price for a particular product was different in-store than what it was online. This indicates not only that you have a discrepancy with your pricing, but also that at least part of the customer journey takes place online—something that you may not have considered as particularly important for this product or demographic.

Other examples may include customer actions, motivations, questions and barriers; all revealed in customer commentary and suggestions for improvement. All of these can be added to your customer maps as touchpoints to increase their accuracy and depth.


Related content: Identify the moments of truth in your customer journey


Using Customer Monitor to improve customer journey maps

Customer Monitor, the all-in-one customer experience analysis and management platform from Perceptive, can do everything we’ve described so far—and more. It offers the flexibility needed for additional analysis, as well as the reliability to interpret both qualitative and quantitative data with ease.


Discover how to make the most of Customer Monitor (and see it in action) with a 30-minute demo!