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3 most important dimensions of customer experience management

Posted by Andres Sanchez - 11 September, 2014

Customer Experience Management (CEM) should be seen as a philosophy that allows us to create a point of difference for our customers, as well as being profitable.

Making sure your customers have a good experience is a shared responsibility for your entire organisation, not just your frontline staff, who have direct contact with customers.  to understand the impact of staff engagement on a customer's experience, a 3D model can be applied to categorise the organisation into three dimensions. 

These dimensions are as follows:


1. Vertical dimension

Senior management are responsible for communicating to staff the importance of customer experience and making it a key goal for the business' strategic positioning on a daily basis. Staff also need to be accountable for this. Therefore, the business' customer focused mindset should be reflected in its mission and vision statements and in the corporate culture. The organisational structure should centre on the needs of your customers and a portion of the budget should be allocated to constantly improving their experience.

2. Horizontal dimension

All areas of the business should be accountable for contributing to a positive customer experience. Having this in mind, all goals, processes and communications in your business should be aligned to foster better customer experiences and growing the business as a whole.

3. Temporary dimension

Improving customer experience requires time. Therefore, it is essential to have a strategic plan in place that is customised to the needs of your organisation. Following and monitoring your plan through different stages will allow your company to adjust and make changes along the way if needed.

Read more: The Common Pitfalls of Customer Experience Management


Dimensions of Customer Experience Management

The Customer Experience Management (CEM) framework

Once the value of integrating CEM across your business is understood and its impact clearly defined in the three dimensions, it's time to implement an effective CEM framework.

The framework pictured below describes the critical elements needed for using customer feedback to deliver a better customer experience and positive organisational improvement. These five fundamental functions have to be in place, regardless of size or scope of the CEM program, in order to achieve positive results:

The CEM framework

  1. Capture the voice of the customer
  2. Analyse customer feedback
  3. Integrate information and results
  4. Improve organisation and customer experience
  5. Measure CEM value and effectiveness.

Simply starting a customer experience management program will not produce results. The CEM efforts must be connected and coordinated to achieve well-defined objectives. The elements of the framework create the structure required to make any CEM program pay off. 

Get the benefits of Customer Monitor's customer experience management software without changing your existing CRM systems. Customer Monitor is a fully managed customer experience service that can integrate with your CRM seamlessly and allows companies to capture and manage all of these experiences on a daily basis, creating room for improvement on the experience and long term growth of your business.

Want to learn if your customer experience is up to scratch? Request a free demo and CX assessment with our team of CX experts.

Get in touch now! 


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