Perceptive Team - 18 April 2022
Brand attributes are a vital component to brand health. Understanding them helps you hero the features of your brand customers are drawn to, and ultimately make them choose you over a competitor. If you’re new to brand attributes, here’s a 101 on...
Perceptive Team - 11 April 2022
Brand personality is a critical component of any business’s brand health. They can distinguish your brand from your competition, drive word of mouth, customer loyalty, and cement your business in the heart and mind of consumers. They are also...
Perceptive Team - 04 April 2022
There are a lot of ways a business can reap rewards from brand tracking, but certain brand tracking errors can leave you with insights that are meaningless to your business and its strategic objectives. To make sure you get the most out of your...
Perceptive Team - 29 March 2022
Make market research easier for you and your team. Ask these five simple questions to determine whether a particular segment is the right target for your offerings. Read more: Understanding your audience, the complete guide to market research. 1. Is...
Perceptive Team - 28 March 2022
Not sure brand health tracking is for you? If you’re a growing business looking to scale, here are six signs to help you decide if you need a brand tracking programme. 1. You don’t know how aware people are of your brand Brand tracking can help you...
Perceptive Team - 23 March 2022
Short of new leads and tracking your sales, it can be difficult to understand how effective your brand’s marketing activity is at not only building general awareness but also influencing customers’ path-to-purchase. Proving the worth and return of...
Perceptive Team - 10 March 2022
When it comes to the Net Promoter Score® (NPS), don’t make the big mistake that many businesses do: to use NPS in isolation. Instead, learn use NPS to get a holistic view of your performance and how to innovate using the data you derive. NPS is a...
Perceptive Team - 07 March 2022
Undergoing a complete brand health check is like any other health check you would undertake; much like when you go to the doctors and have to complete several tests to determine where it hurts, or why. There are usually multiple layers to examine,...
Perceptive Team - 14 February 2022
6.64 billion.This is the number of people worldwide who have a smart phone as of February 2022. Percentage wise, it works out to be 83 per cent of people who own a smart phone. Combined with easy access to social media and search, consumers now have...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
Research from NZIER and Xero recently found that for every dollar invested in organisational well-being, the financial return average was between five and twelve times within a year. Meanwhile, the ROI on Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)—which...