Perceptive Team - 14 February 2022
6.64 billion.This is the number of people worldwide who have a smart phone as of February 2022. Percentage wise, it works out to be 83 per cent of people who own a smart phone. Combined with easy access to social media and search, consumers now have...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
Research from NZIER and Xero recently found that for every dollar invested in organisational well-being, the financial return average was between five and twelve times within a year. Meanwhile, the ROI on Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs)—which...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
With Covid-19 illuminating the need for employee wellbeing and mindfulness, more and more businesses are actively measuring their employee well-being. A well workplace not only improves your employees’ health on a range of levels, but it also has...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
Looking to implement a well-being programme but not sure where to start? Follow these five steps to get your plan off the ground. 1. Get leadership buy-in Just as organisational culture starts at the top, so does wellness and well-being. Leaders are...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
Just as well-being is holistic, a workplace well-being programme needs to cater to employees from all walks of life rather than the common denominator. A diverse workplace brings about many benefits, particularly in performance, innovation and risk...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
2020 saw working from home fast become part of the new normal, shifting from roughly 5 per cent of employees working remotely to between 20 to 30 per cent[1] and 50 per cent of employees stating they don’t want to go back to the office full-time....
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
According to Gallup, employees who experience burnout are 63 per cent more likely to take a sick day, 23 per cent more likely to visit the emergency room, 2.6x as likely to be actively seeking a different job. Managers are particularly high risk as...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
Managers have a profound impact on employee well-being, more so than any other factor in the workplace[1]. While C-suite leadership might set the agenda of your employee well-being programme (or any business initiative for that matter), managers are...
Perceptive Team - 28 September 2021
There’s more than one type of well-being and while physical well-being is important, it’s not the be-all and end-all. Emotional/mental well-being along with social, financial and career well-being all play a role in the overall state of health of...
Perceptive Team - 22 September 2021
Customer experience is changing all the time. In the last few years, we’ve seen massive changes in how consumers interact with brands and what they’ve come to expect with those experiences. Today, people want and expect a full-service experience....